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Photography Question 

Bob Cammarata

Jagged Lines...Driving Me Nuts!

  Fly Rod 4
Fly Rod 4
Nikkor 180 mm ED, Provia 100

Bob Cammarata

As seen in the enclosed photo. I sometimes get jagged, pixelated lines when they are on an angle. (45 degrees is the worst).
This shot was scanned from a slide on a Nikon Coolscan 4000,.. the same way I scan all my photos.
I realize that this is the digital "interpretation" of what a straight line REALLY looks like, but is there any way to minimize this effect and re-create what it looks like on the original slide?

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June 06, 2004


Vince Broesch
  Do you see the jagged lines on both the small photo posted here and the large one too? I only see them on the small photo, so I'm wondering if it's the anti-aliasing on your monitor. If it's not your monitor, maybe your not anti-aliasing on the scan?


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June 10, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Thanks Vince, for responding.

The pixelated effect is most pronounced in the small (thumbnail) version and when I enlarge the photo, the leader portion of the line appears as a series of small elongated "dots" instead of a thin white line.
On the original slide, all lines are well defined and tack-sharp.

I'm un-familiar with the term "anti-aliasing". Can you please elaborate.

Thanks, Bob

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June 10, 2004


Vince Broesch
  What I'm seeing is that the small photo does not seem to have anti-aliasing applied. Here is a good web page that talks about anti-aliasing.

I hope it helps


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June 11, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  Thanks Vince, for the link.
It helped to explain the cause and a possible solution to this problem.
I will attempt to avoid this in the future compositionally, by limiting my linear angles closer to 90 or 180 degrees.

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June 11, 2004

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