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Photography Question 

Bryan Baars

Focus distance and Focal Length

I'm trying to understand the correlation between focal length and focus distance. In particular, I'm struggling with getting wide-angle shots in focus. When leaving the lens at full-wide-angle, focus distance is only .5m to 2m, and then infinity (which isn't really infinity). When shooting landscape shots, this unfortunately isn't far enough.

On the other hand, when zooming in, the focus distance increases dramatically: i.e. full-zoom provides .5m to 50m, then infinity. While this helps, a lot of the landscape I may have wanted to capture in the picture is lost. Realizing I can move my position from where the picture is shot, there will (and have been) times where that option is not available.

I've experimented with using small aperatures at wide-angle to deepen the depth of field, but with limited success. Even though I can get a decent depth of field, if the focus isn't set, the pictures will always be blurry.

Is this simply the way focus distance and focal length works? Or could this be a limitation of the camera I'm using (Minolta Dimage 7i)? Do other cameras provide more 'flexibility' in regards to focus at wide angle?

Thanks in advance to any responses.

Best regards,

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May 04, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Depth of field is a multi-faceted topic but you can find some good articles on the Web such as§ion=FEATUREDPROJECT


Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 05, 2004

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