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Photography Question 

Rosie M. Proctor

Magnifying lenses

I have always taken pictures, yet now choosing my shots. I was told that because I like close ups so well, that a magnifying lense would make not only my subject as I like it but also would make any thing in front of or behind subject in focus as long as I stand the correct distance away. Is this correct? I have a minolta x-370 slr. Thanks for any comments or help with getting quality shots. Rosie

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May 04, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Rosie: Most serious photographers buy a Macro lens that allows for extremely close focusing - for filling the frame with a tiny object such as a large coin or a blossom.

You can find accessories (resembling a filter with magnifying glass) that will achieve the same thing but not with equally high quality. Check out the Nikon 5T and 6T accessories. (Do a search on

Note: In any extreme close focusing work, only the focused subject will be sharp. The foreground and background are blurred, a nice effect. This is not the effect that you want, but it's a fact of life in close focusing even at f/22. (Shallow depth of field.)

Perhaps you are thinking of a filter that's split: one half includes a magnifier and the other half is clear glass. (Magnifies only the foreground.) I have not seen one of those in many years; the effect they produce does not look natural to my eye.

Perhaps I'm not sure exactly how close you mean when you say close-ups. A head and shoulders portrait can be a close-up. I'm assuming you mean closer than that, filling the frame with a blossom, for example.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 04, 2004


Rosie M. Proctor
  Dear Peter. Yes thank you that helps. I had a lady here in my town at a art show look at some of my photos and this was what she told me. To get a magnifying lense because my close ups were blurry behind and in front of subject. This is why I put up the question because I thought I was doing it correct. We all have different views and I was just getting a few more ideas. Could you look at my pictures and tell me what you think? Thanks so much. Rosie Proctor

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May 04, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Rosie: Some very nice work in your gallery.

I assume we are discussing the nature close-ups. No, there is not filter or lens that will allow you to take such photos and make the foreground and background sharper.

You can try this. Mount camera on a tripod. Set f/22 on the lens. (This will cause the camera to set a long shutter speed; that's why you need a sturdy tripod and need to wait until the wind is not blowing. Otherwise, your pictures will be blurred by camera or subject movement.)

At f/22, more of the foreground and background will appear to be in focus.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 05, 2004


Rosie M. Proctor
  Thank you Peter for all you inout. I believe I will stay with the way I am doing it. I think they are fine ... Thank You Rosie

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May 05, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Rosie: Do try the f/22 and a tripod sometime when it's not windy, for nature close-up photography.

That may achieve what you want. But I don't see any need for you to buy any accessories.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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May 05, 2004


Rosie M. Proctor
  Thanks again Peter. I will try this and when I do I will post my results. Thanks for all your help. Sincerly Rosie

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May 05, 2004


Mary Helwagen
  I think that if you used a camera with higher resolution, didn't zoom in as tightly, and then cropped the photo you might get a bit more sharpness in the foreground and background, but then I don't know why you would want to. Isn't the purpose to emphasize the main subject of your photo? If so, then sharper fore and background would de-emphasize your subject.

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May 17, 2004

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