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Photography Question 

Kimberly Beatty

Canon Digital Rebel and Flash Unit

  Bride & Groom
Bride & Groom
This was taken shortly after the 2nd image using the flash

Kimberly Beatty

  Bride getting ready
Bride getting ready
Taken shortly before the previous photo, using the flash

Kimberly Beatty

I am not sure where to post this, as I don't know if the problem lies in the equipment or the operator! I recently bought the Quantaray Flash outfit for my Canon Digital Rebel (its the bracket, the AF module, and the QTB-9500A HI-POWER TWIN FLASH). Practiced with it for a week or 2 before a wedding and had no problems. Used it at the wedding, and got mixed results. It would fire, but the images are next to black. I am wondering where this error would come from - is it the flash? Is it me? LOL! I can try to lighten the images in PS, but they come out washed out, grainy, and with lines. If anyone can help me out, I'd appreciate it tons. I'll include examples. The one of the b&g was taken after the one of the bride getting ready. Both were using the flash..

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May 03, 2004


Jon Close
  There's virtually no info on the QDA-CAF module at Are you sure it's E-TTL? I suspect it isn't, in which case you should exchange it for the manual focus module, or exchange the QTB-9500 & module for a Canon EX-series speedlight (420EX, 550EX, 220EX), or other that supports E-TTL (such as Sigma EF 500 DG).

Digital SLRs are not compatible with traditional off-the-film TTL flash control. The E-TTL system uses a low-power preflash before the shutter opens that is read by the evaluative meter to set flash exposure, then the flash fires again when the shutter is open.

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May 04, 2004


Wayne l
  Kim and Jon C,

Kim, we have discussed this in the image section.
Just to let you both know it's not the flash I've used the on camera and the 420EX Canon with the same results. Canon is trying to say it's Photoshop however the outside pics (without flash) are fine.
If it was Photoshop they would all be underexposed.


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May 06, 2004


  Could it be the battery that you used? I have been using Energizer or Duracell all the time except that one time, my friend's wedding, that I switched to use the Rayovac Maximum for my Canon 550EX. As soon as I took one roll of film, I have noticed that the recycling time took so long and I have to replaced them after each roll of film taken (usually with the other brands I don't have to change batteries until 4 or 5 rolls or film; but I changed them anyway after 3 rolls during wedding shot). Results, all the photos were 1 or 2 stops underexposed. My friend was disappointed and I have to apologize, etc. But I did not know why because it had never happened to me before. Until the next time I took picture for another friend's birthday party. This time I used another camera with Canon 200E. Although the flash confirm light was on, it did not fire when I took the pictures. Tried a few times and it didn't work. As soon as I replaced all the batteries with the usual brands, the flash worked fine and the photos came out good. Same as my 550EX. I don't know if this happen to other photographers before.

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May 06, 2004


Kimberly Beatty
  I thought of that...I used the batteries that are made for electronics and cameras - I believe they were duracell or energizer (one of the two). I just don't know how to explain to the couple what happened. It was definitely unexpected, but doesn't make it right!

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May 06, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  I don't know anything about the digital side of your problem, I am still hanging on to my film camera. But, I do know that the only batteries that have served me well, time and time again, have been Duracell. Anytime I have tried to use another brand, my prints are disappointing. And even with the Duracell, I put in fresh batteries for every shoot, no matter how long the used ones have been in the flash.
I would, just to test the battery factor, get each brand, set up a shot similar to the bride and groom, and test each brand. You might end up suprised at the difference each brand makes.

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May 06, 2004


Wayne l
I did a test myself to see about the focus points and how much they affect the outcome .
I used only the center focus point.

I have never posted pics here so they may not come out so you can see them but it did make
difference .

If you can see the yellow dots on them (that's the focus points) first 2- #1 & #2 on the dress (dark part) the next 2- #3 & #4 was on the forehead and the last 2- #5 & #6 on the dark part of the seat.

As you can see this thing is very temperamental.

Settings were ISO 200, AE or P, 1/60, 5.6, Eval. metering, Built in flash, apox.5 ft to subject and my battery was at least 50% gone but I was using the Cam. built in flash. Also the largest jpg file
however I sized it down a lot for the web so the quality isn't there but this is for a flash test only.

I found that the focus point has to be on the darkest part of the area you want, because it is easier to darken it later than it is to lighten it.

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May 06, 2004


Kimberly Beatty
  Wayne, I didn't happen to see those photos you said you posted, but I'd be interested in taking a look at them. I am just sick to death thinking of what to tell this couple! "I'm sorry, my camera is so temperamental and it picks and chooses when it wants to work..." Yeah, that will go over well!

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May 06, 2004


Wayne l

Wayne l


Wayne l


Wayne l

I don't have a clue where those Pics went
I clicked the select button and only tried 3 to see what they looked like, filled out the rest and never saw where they went. LOL
I guess I did something wrong.

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May 06, 2004

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