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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Shooting Horseshows in Indoor arena

I have just jumped into the world of Minolta's Maxxum cameras and I am having trouble with exposure and shutter speed. I am using a Maxxum 7 trying to shoot action shots with a 90-200 zoom but even with the lights on in most of the arenas there is simply not enough light to have a high enough shutter speed and use the zoom to its full focal length. I am usally about 150 ft. away from my subject. I always seem to under expose my shots and make them grainy. I have tried it with 400 and 800 iso film and have tried using a Sigma program flash and 200 film.
I have been taking pictures for years but have been out of it for over ten years and mostly used to shoot b&w with a manual Minolta 201 so I know I still have alot to recall and still to learn, any help please... Thanks Frank

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May 01, 2004

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