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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photogenic light trouble...HELP!

Hey, I just purchased the Photogenic Studio Max 2 light kit. The first shoot we used them on they worked great. Th next time we got them out neither one of the 320 lights worked. Our 160 backlight still works great. The 320's flash when you turn them off so we know it is not the bulb. We cannot trigger them with another flash or with a sync cord plugged in. Also they do not flash when you press the test button. We put a flash right up to it on all side so we know that it is getting enough light to trigger it. The 160 works fine in the same room with the same lighting conditions. The modeling light also works great on both 320's. Just not the flash. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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April 23, 2004


Raj K. Debbad
I have the same setup in my studio and Photogenic flash kit works fine for me. I
have been using them for about 2 years. They should flash when you press the test
button. Try to trigger the unit with the modeling lights still on. Hope it works.

Try contacting the company at

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July 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  Flash when you turn them off? got a short in a wire somewhere in there. need to take them back since you just got them. If you bought them online, you may not want to repack them, but a flash should just go off when you turn it off, not shoot off a flash. get an exchange or a refund.

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July 20, 2004

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