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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

choice between canon g5 and digitalrebel

I'm looking at getting my frist ditital camera and im haveing a hard time decideing between the rebel and a g5.I like to play with options that wont hold me back. I have never been intrested in photograhpy before but now I really want to learn how to. I have access to both cameras at work and like both but was looking for some extra insite from a pro or anyone else going or gone though this point thnx for reading it and replying

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April 17, 2004


Nancy Grace Chen
  I'm definitely not a pro, but I'm an avid hobbyist. If you have equal access to both, definitely go with the Rebel. It's an SLR, which will give you total control, and you can learn everything on it. I mean, just look at the prices... a Rebel is about $1000 while a G5 is maybe $500? Have fun...


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April 26, 2004

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