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Photography Question 

Josh Polk

I need lens help!!

I am going to be buying the Canon 10D in 2-3 months. I have looked at many lens but I am not sure with one to get. I need a lens that is a good qualitly ( I dont want the lens to make my pictures unclear) I need 28-300 zoom...changing lens is not a a 28-70 and a 70-300 would be fine...I would like to keep the cost under $1500....any Ideas? Thanks for any help in advance.

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April 13, 2004


Jon Close
  The 10D has an image sensor smaller than the 35mm film frame, so that it has 1.6x crop factor with the film lenses. So that a 28mm focal length lens on the 10D gives the same view as a 45mm focal length on a 35mm film camera.

So when you say you want to cover the range of "28-300" do you mean the equivalent of 28-300 in 35mm (which would be lenses with actual focal lengths of about 17mm to 200mm)? Or do you mean lenses with actual focal length range of 28-300?

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April 13, 2004


Josh Polk
Thanks for your reply
I would need the equivalent of 28-300.

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April 14, 2004


Richard P. Crowe
  I think you will enjoy your 10D. Your choices of lenses are predicated on what, where and how you shoot. As is life in general, photographic equipment is a series of choices and compromises. The 70-200mm f/2.8L is a primo lens, but might cost you the better portion of your $1,500 budget and it is a large item to haul around on a days shooting. The 70-200mm f/4.0L is considerably less expensive, much smaller and lighter and will give you the same quality images as the f/2.8L. Is the extra 1-stop worth the difference in cost and the additional weight and bulk? Only you can decide. Check Iternet reviews, both narrative types and straight lens tests before you purchase your lenses. Canon sells some pretty crappy glass along with some great lenses. Have fun shopping!

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April 16, 2004


Dave Cross
  Hi Josh.
I'm using an EOS D60, same crop as your 10D.

This is my lens line-up, most were bought used and my total paid would be around your budget.

Sigma 17-35 aspherical USM -- Barely adequate considering what it costs, don't buy one, look at the Canon equivalent (but you will have to save your pennies a bit :-)

Tokina ATX-Pro 28-70 f2.8 -- Chunky, heavy, absolutely superb glass. An eBay bargain (it's the older model).

Tokina ATX-Pro 80-200 f2.8 -- Another eBay buy, same comments as the 28-80. Takes brilliant pictures and works like a 300mm on the D60. I bought this lens after using the 28-80 for around 12 months, it feels the same (just rather heavier).

I HATE the feel of the lower cost lenses, all plastic and no weight, the 80-200 balances perfectly with the D60 (and grip/battery pack) and the weight makes it easy to hand hold.

Happy shopping, enjoy your photography.

Dave C

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April 23, 2004


Richard P. Crowe
  My battery for the 10D is the 28-135mm IS which can give you some pretty sharp photos. The IS feature makes up for the slight lack of sharpness at the long end. I spent about $400 for this lens. I bought the lens new because I wanted the Canon guarantee since the IS feature along with the auto focus meant a lot of moving parts. For a wide lens, I have the 20mm f/2.8. I am not a fan of wide angle zooms. Price wise and quality wise, they often leave a lot lacking. Besides, I can zoom with my feet in most instances. This lens gives me the equivalent of a 32mm. I get less distortion than with a wider lens and it is pretty darn sharp. Some folks compare it to L glass (Canon primes can be wonderfully sharp! Canon also puts out very sharp 35 and 85mm lenses that equal or beat most L glass zooms). My 20mm cost me less than $300 used on ebay. I am waiting to purchase my next lens which will be for the long end of the spectrum. I haven't decided between a 70-200mm f/4.0L or the wonderful 200mm f/2.8 prime. I will also get the 1.4x extended (either Canon or the less expensive, but great Tamron). The lens/extender package - used on Ebay will set me back about $700-800 depending upon which lens I decide on. I will then have 3 lenses that get me from an equivalent 32mm to about 448mm for right about the amount ($1,500) you have targeted. Additionally, Canon lenses seem to have great resale value. Granted, because of the 10D 1.6x lens factor, I am a little lacking in a true W-I-D-E angle lens, but I shot for years and years with a Leica M-2 that had only a 35mm and a 90mm lens. At that time (the 1960's) I never seemed to need anything wider, although I would have loved a longer lens.

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April 26, 2004

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