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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Chris Malcolm

Uploaded Image Size - Technique?

Ok ... I am still confused about uploading of images to BP, in particular images scanned from 35mm prints not Digital. The first image is sharp in PS and is cropped to 750 pixels on the wide side, however the thumbnail is really distorted and the image once opened is smaller. Why is this? The second image is done exactly the same way (750 pixels on the wide side) yet the thumbnail is quite clearer and the image itself appears larger when opened in BP.

Also what would be the correct method for reducing the size of an image once scanned in at it's larger size so as to get a uniform image size on BP? Can anyone suggest a good tutorial for this subject? In my gallery I have fine thumbnails and rubbish thumbnails. All images in landscape mode are cropped to 750 on the wide side yet they appear in all manner of sizes on BP and never as sharp as in PS. If you can answer one or all of these queries would be great before I tear the rest of my hair out ;-)


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April 07, 2004

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