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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Digital camera for portrait photography

I am looking for a good digital camera for posed and candid portrait photography. I have an Olympus C-700 but it has broken so I need to buy a new camera. Two of my least favorite features are 1.) the delayed shutter response - by the time the camera takes the picture, the desired shot has passed. and 2.) A lot of editting is required in Photoshop, mainly to brighten the pictures (also sharpen, contract, color correction, etc.) Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Also, I would like to stay under $700 if possible. 90% of the photos I take are portraits, whereas the remainder are of concerts, scenery, etc.

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April 06, 2004


John Wright
  Given the info you list above (especially the 2 negatives), I'd recommend sticking with a DSLR. Given your price range, I'd recommend the Canon Digi Rebel. It's probably a little more than $700 (I belive they retail for $799 without the lense and $899 with a lense). I just posted one of my first portraits taken with a Digi Rebel today. You can see it here:
Senior Portrait
I hope that helps... Good luck!

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April 07, 2004

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