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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Changing appertures and speeds

Hi! I am a beginner in photography. I have a 35mm SLR Pentax camera. It has a built-in meter which blinks everytime it thinks the subject is too dark or too bright. It will only stop blinking if I change apperture or shutter speed. But sometimes I don't want to change apperture or speed because of DOF or stop action.Can I get correct exposure even if the meter starts blinking indicating dark subject by using flash? How about too bright? Tanks and God Bless!

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April 04, 2004


Tom Walker
  This is kinda a either or question, yes you can solve the problem with flash sometimes, remember that your aperture and shutter speed work together, open the aperture and increase shutter speed
or vice versa, if you need both a fast shutter speed and small aperture for DOF
then try faster film.

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April 11, 2004


Tom Walker
  forgot to add that if it's too bright you can get a neutal density filter to
decrease the brightness

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April 11, 2004

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