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Photography Question 

Joseph T. Tenhagen

Digital = 35mm?

I am a brand marketer and want to go 100% digital but am not sure which digital cameras are 35 mm replacements (or better?).

I want to be able to shoot, integrate a photo into a document or e-media and print on an Igen or desktop with excellent quality. Please help!

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March 28, 2004


Marie Anti
  Supposedly 8mps and up is equivelent to a 35mm film camera.
I have the Nikon D-100 and have had MANY photos in magazines. You could not tell the difference. I swear by that camera and all their lenses.
Now on the downside.............the black areas lets say of a dog may wash out to a degree that it looks lighter or bluer. The white areas, unless shot in shade, loose some detail.
If you want to see D-100 photos go to my website. Now remember I have the prints shrunk for fast loading but all of these are huge files actually.
I heard the pro Canons are good too.
Marie Anti

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April 01, 2004


Joseph T. Tenhagen
  Thanks for your help. I actually just bought a Fujifilm Finepix S7000 - 6mp.

Reviews were favorable.

Any insight - should I keep or take back?

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April 01, 2004


Marie Anti
  Having never used a Fuji, I can't advise on that level. I have pro photographer friends, and family who only use Canon and Nikon pro cameras. The D-100, with a zoom lens is heavy to carry. However I personally love it and for what I use it for (racing dogs, showing dogs and just all round) I could not ask for a better camera. The price also is lower. I paid $2,000.00 for it and now you can get it for $1,499.00. (without lens).

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April 02, 2004


Joseph T. Tenhagen
  Thanks much!

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April 02, 2004

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