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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Can A Blurred Photo Be Fixed?


I have a digital image that was blurred immediately after it was taken. Can the blurred image be fixed in Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro?


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March 28, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  nope. you saved it and don't have the original, then you're stuck with the blur.

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March 29, 2004


Paul M
  Well, there IS a photoshop plugin called Focus Magic that MIGHT be able to help a bit. I have played with it and it seems to work OK on some pictures.

You can download a fully functional trial version on their web site.

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April 01, 2004


Phil Forister
  If the picture is slightly out of focus, you can use the unsharp mask to make some enhancement.

If the picture is downright blurry - you're out of luck without a backup of the picture.

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April 03, 2004

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