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Photography Question 

Kevin S. Lewis

Problem with clarity

I was taking some shots on a very overcast day (just for fun) using a Pentax 70 - 200 lens at about 100. I used a flash unit for fill (don't know much about settings yet) and a tripod. I also used a remote because my hands can be quite shaky. The day was quite overcast and rainy at times and was also a bit cold. I used 400 film but cant recall which brand. About two thirds of this roll came out blurred (see image of two sisters). I know that some might want to achieve this look as do I at times, but this was NOT on purpose. Any hints at getting a clearer more consistant result next time? I was concerned that it might have been too cold or damp out there. Could this have been a problem? Im also wondering if my lens is at fault. Not the perfect choice Im sure. There were a few shots that turned out quite well though. Just to see, I also scanned the negatives with my Canon 5000F. I was able to get slightly cleaner results than the processor did but still blurred. Any help is greatly appreciated. Please don't be too technical! :-)

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March 26, 2004

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