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Sigma 100-300 f4 EX IF HSM

would like to know if anyone is or has used this lens on a Nikon D100 or Canon 10D?
what is your opinion/s, is this lens worth the money, etc.?
thanks, herbert6

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March 16, 2004

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
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Eric Highfield's Gallery
Hi Gene,

I don't have this lens specifically, but do use a couple of lenses in Sigma's EX line. I was holding off on commenting, but since no one else has commented I figured I'd jump in and give you my opinion on the 50-500mm f4-6.3 EX IF HSM. It's a little slower than the 100-300 would be, but gives you that extra 200mm coverage range in a trade off. Both lenses cost about the same. I've found the Sigma 50-500mm EX to be great bargain for the money (of course this is always relative when talking about camera equipment!). I had read lot of great reviews, but the 50-500mm still sounded too good to be true. Luckily the camera store gave me a 14 day tryout period with a full hassle free return policy. Needless to say, it never went back. This lens performed beyond my expectations at the 300-500mm range, good in the 200's and fairly average in the shorter ranges (moving to low average when you get closer to 50mm). That's been fine with me; I'd rather use my MUCH smaller, lighter & faster lenses for the shorter ranges anyway.
Autofocus is fast, accurate, and silent, and no problem for the D100 (It’s insanely fast on the F90X!) All and all, for ultra-telephoto work, it's been a real gem!

As an example, the above photo was shot with this lens on the D100. Most of the other animal photos on my website were to, however some used an AF D Nikkor F4 300mm ED.

I hope this was helpful!

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March 24, 2004

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Eric Highfield
Eric Highfield's Gallery
  Oops...forgot the picture. I'll just give you the URL:

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March 24, 2004

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