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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

bright light

Gday,have problem with bright sunlight, most of my photos are turning out over exposed been recommended a slower speed film but this problem still remains. It improved slightly but it still continues to happen seem to be getting a lot of glare off the top of peoples heads, whould a polorizing filter help with this? thanks nathan

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March 03, 2004


doug Nelson
  If you're shooting print film, and your pictures are weak looking, with very thin negatives, you're actually underexposing. I've had problems with this, too. Here's what happens: we let the sky overinfluence our exposure, causing the light meter to overreact and close down the aperture (or speed up the shutter), starving our film of light.
If your prints are consistently turning out this way, your camera's light meter could be way out of adjustment.

If slides turn out weak and thin, then you are overexposing. Again, if it happens consistently, then your light meter is off. I suggest you shoot a short roll of slide film, of a subject in even light, without a lot of sky. See if they look normal. If not, the problem might be the camera.

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March 03, 2004

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