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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Adrie Uys

Images for a web page

I am interested in a Deluxe Website. I use a Canon EOS 300V camera and scan my slides with a Color Page HR7X Slim scanner. My questions, for the web page: a. What scan resolution do you recommend. b. Must I resize the photos before uploading, and to what size. c. Must I file and submit it as JPEG or TIFF. Any further recommendations will be highly appreciate. Adrie.

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February 28, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Hi Adrie,

For the best looking images, we recommend that you resize them to 500 x 750 pixels or so. Then apply a bit of the Unsharp Mask filter and either upload it as a TIFF (Better but slower) or a JPEG. The ppi resolution doesn't matter as long as the dimensions are 500 x 750 or so pixels.

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March 03, 2004

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