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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photographing in the snow

Does anybody have advice on taking good photos in the snow? The snow in my photos always looks blue or grey.

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February 23, 2004


  If your camera has exposure compensation feature, dial in +1 1/2 or +2. The photos came out grey because the light meter in your camera was fooled by the bright white snow. Here's a link from Sekonic explaining how a camera's meter can be fooled.

Hope this helps.

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February 23, 2004


Roy Breslawski
  The blue is caused by reflection from a blue sky. Your eyes automatically adjust to make the snow look white, but film or a digital sensor sees the true, blue color. Add a warming filter if using film, or adjust the white balance if shooting digital. As mentioned in the first response, your meter is fooled by the bright, white snow. Your meter wants everything to be gray. You need anywhere from 1 to 2 stops overexposure to get white snow.


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February 26, 2004

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