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Photography Question 

Michael L. Reed II

B&W photos with selective coloring

how do you go about coloring specific items in a B&W picture in photoshop 7.0? Ex. I can't remember the photographers name but she takes pictures of children a lot and colorizes the flowers or the girls hat and such. I know how to do it on a printed picture with special paints and pencils but there has to be a way to do it with photoshop.

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February 20, 2004


Peggy Wolff
  Hi Michael, I have done this a lot and you can check out my gallery to make sure it is what you are talking about.

Here is what you do in PS (mine is 7.0 so that is the only one I know.)
To bring back all of the color.
1. open an RGB image.
2. Drag the background image to the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers palette.
3. working on your background copy, go to Images > Adjustments > Desatuate.
4.. At this point go to background copy and adjust levels for more contrast.
5.. With your zoom tool enlarge your image to between 100-200% to see detail.
6. Click on Eraser tool in the tool bar. Select a small to med. size soft brush and set it at 100% opacity.
7. Erase any b&W area of the image you want the color to be restored. You can also change the opacity level to give a more hand painted look.

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February 26, 2004


Terry L. Long
  Another way to do it is...

1. Once the image is B&W, use your freehand selection tool to make a small selection (such as a small oval/circle on a cheek) and feather it slightly (one to three pixels...but no more)

2. Once you have the selection made, go to Image/Adjust/Hue-Saturation and check the "Colorize" box

3. Adjust the "Colorize" bar to the color you want on the cheek (usually a reddish/pink color)

4. Adjust the saturation to your liking and you're done

For flowers or other than human objects you may not want to "feather" the selcetion

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February 29, 2004

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