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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Getting RAW files with PhotoShop CS

I have a Pentax *ist-d and I'm a new user of PhotoShop CS. I don't seem to be able to download RAW picture files off my CompactFlash memory card. Any other saved pictures, jpeg,tiff, etc. work OK.

The book says that the RAW dialog box should just pop up, it doesn't and the program says it doesn't recognize the file.

Does anyone have any help for me.


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February 17, 2004


Wing Wong
  A few possible leads:

- Does the PSCS support the raw files from the Pentax *istd or does it need a RAW reader update?

- Did you take Raw images with the *istd camera?

- Do RAW images show up when you plug the CF card into the reader(usb or firewire) and look at them with your computer?


- Shoot some pictures, both raw and jpeg.
- Take the card out of the camera and put it into a USB or firewire reader. Plug that into your computer.
- Open up the card/drive device and copy all files and folders to a new folder on your hard drive.
- Btw, were there any raw files in the folder?
- Open up PSCS and go look at that folder on your hard drive.
- Try to import raw files/etc.

If that doesn't work, it could be that the *ist-D raw format isn't accepted... in which case, check out Adobe's website for an update.

Downloading from the camera with a direct cable can sometimes introduce problems, so it may be better to use a seperate reader.

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February 17, 2004

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