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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Why is my Quant. Flash slowing down my camera?

I have a Canon Rebel S, and I recently purchased a Quantary Flash attachment for those shots that are too dark. Sometimes when I use the camera with the flash attached, the shutter slows down. Even when the flash switch is turned off. Why? I haven't developed the roll yet, but I have a feeling they will be ruined. HELP PLEASE!

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February 14, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  What mode do you have the camera on when you have the flash attached?

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February 15, 2004


Jon Close
  Make sure that that the flash is fully and firmly seated in the hotshoe. If the contracts aren't lined up, the camera won't recognize that the flash is attached. You also have to allow time for the flash to charge. The camera will not recognize the presence of the flash until it receives an "I'm charged and ready to fire" signal from it.

Finally, as Gregory alluded, the exposure mode you've selected on the camera makes a difference. In most of the PIC settings and green box, the camera will select a fast sync flash mode, setting the shutter speed to 1/60 or 1/90. However, Av and M are "slow sync" modes that set a slow shutter speed to give balanced exposure to the ambient-lit background.

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February 15, 2004

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