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Photography Question 

Tal L

B&W studio shoot with Medium Yellow Filter

I just finished taking B&W pictures in a studio with an Illford HP5 Plus 400 film.
I did my light reading with a light meter and set up the aperture and speed manually. However, I forgot to bracket the numbers as I had a Medium yellow filter on my lense....I am so used to the TTL (through the lens) feature..that adjust the numbers automatically....
Would it be possible to "correct" that while processing the film, by "pushing" the film by one stop (800 ISO?)...I do know the result would be grainy..but I would rather have it grainy that underexposed.....
Thank you in advance for you replies.

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February 13, 2004


Jon Close
  Medium yellow filter factor is 1.5 to 2 (2/3 to 1 stop), so developing to ISO 640 or 800 would seem to be the fix. Ilford claims HP-5 "can produce high quality prints when exposed at meter
settings up to EI 3200/36 and given extended development in ILFORD ILFOTEC DD-X, ILFOTEC HC, MICROPHEN or ILFOTEC RT RAPID developers.
Best results are obtained at EI 400/27, but good image quality will also be obtained at meter settings from EI 400/27 to EI 3200/36."

See for detailed developing procedures.

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February 13, 2004


Tal L
  Thanks John. I will try tp process at 640/800 iso...whichever would be possible.
I do appreciate your fast response!

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February 13, 2004

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