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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

James Yackley


What characteristics of a 35mm SLR make it different from the rest of the 35mm family?

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February 04, 2004


Tony Sweet
  You've got to be a bit more specific James. How about picking two specific 35mm camera systems to compare.

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February 07, 2004


James Yackley
  Tony, I would if I wanted that type of answer! Thanx anyways!!

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February 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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1-interchangeable lenses usually.
2-more versatile
3-wide range of lenses choices
4-you get to see in viewfinder the same as what's going to be on film, versus point and shoot with lens in one spot, and viewfinder up and to the left
5-range of shutter speeds 30sec to 1/4000 for some, greater for others
6-if you need autofocus, slr's are faster
7-available lenses are much better quality
8-auto exposure, manual ex.,multi ex.
9-work's better with separate flash as in studio, most point and shoots don't have hotshoe or way to connect
10-more accesories like filters and what not.

Could be other stuff, but I got a soccer game to go to.

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February 07, 2004

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