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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photographing Prints

How do I go about taking a photo of a photo. It's an old family portrait which is stuck firm in a book.


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February 02, 2004


doug Nelson
  Above all, keep it flat, even if you have to put glass over it.
You might consider scanning it on a flatbed scanner, keeping it perfectly flat on the scanner glass. Scan at 300 pixels per inch if you want it the same size as the original.
If you want to photograph it with a camera, a general rule that applies to most cameras is that you back off a little from shooting it full frame. This is because most lenses distort lines near the edges of the frame. Also, be sure the picture is lighted evenly, with no "hot" spot such as might be caused by a flash. You might even consider shooting it outdoors in shade.

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February 02, 2004

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