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Photography Question 

Paula Vergara

lighting question/Portra Film

I recenly purchased my first roll of Kodak Portra film for my 35mm SLR, and also purchased the 85B filter for outdoor use. My question is: if I am taking a photo indoors, but the primary light source is outdoor light (sunlight from a window or other), do I need to use the 85B filter?


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February 01, 2004


Jon Close
  85B is a "warming" filter intended for correcting tungsten-balanced film for shooting in daylight. If you are using Portra 100T (Tungsten) film, then yes, use the 85B filter if primary lighting is daylight/sun (even inside through a window), or a typical speedlight. If you are using any other Portra film, then only use the 85B if you want additional/excessive "warmth" (yellow/orange) to the scene.

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February 02, 2004

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