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Photography Question 

Jennifer L. Skrutsky

getting rid of images on my website

i dont have a delux website but I have the regular one. I uploaded 2 of the same images and I was just wondering how to delete the doubles. thanks

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January 28, 2004

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
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Eric Highfield's Gallery
I’m in the same boat. Up until today, I had the functionality to delete unwanted photos... I've noticed there's a look and functionality to the "Categorize Deluxe Web Site Photos" page now. While I love the new layout, I REALLY miss the ability delete unwanted photos. This is particularly important to me now, as I have more then 100 photos I need to replace due to a technical error that was removing the embedded colour file during upload (this problem was on my end). I'm going to need to get rid of the erroneous photos as I upload the corrected ones, but would rather not flood Jim with a ton of e-mails having to have him do it for me. Does anyone know if the removal of the "Delete Altogether" is permanent, or is the just that the new page is under development? Thanks in advance. Regards, Eric.

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February 21, 2004


Jay Wadley
For a member gallery, click on the "Your Selected Member Gallery Photos" link from your member gallery admin page. Select the "Delete Altogether" radio button next to the ones you want to remove and click the submit button at the bottom.

We will add the "Delete Altogether" feature back into the deluxe photo admin page...stay tuned.

jay at

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February 21, 2004

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Eric Highfield
Eric Highfield's Gallery
  Thanks, Jay! I'll be patient, I promise. ;-)

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February 21, 2004

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