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Photography Question 


How to shoot production plant photos

I have been asked by a company which I have taken event pics for to do a more corporate type shoot (for an annual report I suppose). They want VIP shots in their office environments and shots of their meat packing plant facility, and it is quite a large plant. They asked for overall-type shots of this, as well as tight, detail-type shots. I will be using my Canon EOS 1N; any advice on lighting? Can I do the plant shots available light with filters to counteract the fluorescent lighting? My studio lights are pretty old and tethered to their power cords. Need advice--thanks! Judy

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January 27, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  You can if a tripod and slow shutter speed will get the picture they want. You're going to need small aperture for an overall view, so that and a filter you know it's going to be slow. So does it matter if any people in the picture are going to be blurred if it's supposed to look like they're working.
Or is it an empty plant shot.
Tight detail you should be straight forward I would guess.
The shots in the offices, you need to know if it's posed portrait, posed fake candid shots like they're working or talking. those kind you can use your lights. With that you can use a light or lights on the people, and use another light for the background so that it looks like you're using available light. Like an umbrella on the people, and bounce one off the ceiling for the background to get some overall light without direction shadows. Just make sure it's balanced.

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January 28, 2004

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