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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

KODAK Premium Picture High Gloss Paper Problem

I just bought a Epson Stylus CX5400 and some KODAK Premium Picture High Gloss paper. When I print pictures from my digital camera I noticed the the white portions of the print is not colored with ink and are more glossier than the rest of the picture. How do I resolve this? Do I need a different type of photo paper?

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January 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  If it's white without detail and shadow, there's not going to be any ink. Your question reads like you may have thought that the printer prints with white ink, but it dosen't. Any white areas on the picture are just areas on the print that don't get ink.
But check your settings on your printer. You may have had the quality set on medium. Or you may have it set on paper instead of photo paper.
But Kodak dosen't make good paper at all. It really surprised me when I used it.
My choice in order of preference of the ones I've used are Pictorico(I really like the photo gallery paper. Not as common as others.) Canon, then Epson.

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January 20, 2004

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