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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

using Velvia 100 slide film

Just a quick question - can you use Velvia 100 slide film in a regular point-and-shoot camera? If so, how will the lack of control over f-stop and shutter speed affect the quality of the images?


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January 19, 2004


Jon Close
  If the p&s camera has DX automatic setting of the ISO, then it will expose the film properly. If not you'll have to manually set ISO 100.

If it has automatic exposure, then you will get larger apertures (less depth of field, more separation between subject and background) and/or slower shutter speeds (greater chance of subject motion blur or camera shake) than when using 400-speed film.

If it is a very simple reloadable camera, the aperture and shutter speed may not be adjustable and may be set for an average exposure with wide-latitude 400-speed print film. In this case you will get very underexposed results with the 100-speed slide film.

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January 19, 2004

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