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Epson 2200 Printing Issues

I just got an Epson 2200 photo printer, and my prints look like crap. What's the deal?

I have tried everything. Is there some trick or something? I purchased this equipment based on many high recommendations. But, I feel really let down. I spent a lot of money on this useless boat anchor. I've seen $150 printers make better prints.

I know it's hard to answer because I can't give specifics. All I know is I print out my digital prints using the "Best" settings, etc. and I get really crappy looking prints.



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January 17, 2004


Steven Shoen
  What software are you using to print from?


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January 21, 2004


  Could it be the paper? I feed my Canon printer with the best HP and Kodak papers and it just doesn't work. I have to use the recommended Canon paper. Also my printer required "alignment" before use. Just some thoughts.

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January 21, 2004


Steven Shoen
  It could very well be the paper. I use epson papers or Ilford Smooth pearl papers.

What software do you use?


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January 21, 2004


  Thank you all.

I use Adobe Photoshop v6. Windows based. I am using kodak paper just to test it. Maybe I'll try a different paper.

I was just reading that you should print at 300 dpi, so I'll try that and see what kind of results I get.


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January 21, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Kodak paper isn't any good. My first choice is Pictorico photo gallery(made by Olympus. Canon photo paper pro is a good paper, easier to find than Pictorico. Epson would be a third choice. HP was okay. Burlington if you need a cheap paper just for proof or test print. IBM looks to light. Kodak I won't be buying or recommending.
But I really like the Pictorico. Just that you don't see it in every store.

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January 21, 2004

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