BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Andrew McClintock

Keeping camera dry in the rain.

If and when I want to take a picture in the rain, where I am actually outside in the rain with my camera, is there a fail-safe way to protect my camera from getting wet. I want to be able to access everything and use the camera normally but I obviously need something protective to keep it dry. Is there something I can do or something I could buy that would work safely? Or is it better to just stay out of the rain all together?

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January 14, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  If you want to photograph in the rain, there are devices to protect your camera. Check out B & H Photo's- General Accessories....Rain Capes.

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January 14, 2004


Jon Close
  Or DIY. I have a heavy plastic shopping bag, about 16" x 24", that I use in the rain. Cut a hole in the bottom for the end of the lens to poke through, secure it to the lens hood with rubber bands. The bag covers the rest of the lens, camera and my hands past my wrists. Wear a hat with a wide brim so that rain does not fall on the back of the camera.

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January 15, 2004

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