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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Macrophotography / Close-up

Which lens/flash should be used for macrophotography/closeup?

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  You really have a number of options for doing close-up photography. You can use a 35mm, medium format, digital... even a point & shoot (although these macro shots will rarely come close in quality to the others).
If you get a 35mm SLR, all you need to do is get a macro lens that allows you to get close to your subject - we're talking inches or centimeters - and still be able to focus.
However, you don't even really need a macro lens. I used a 300mm telephoto for years to zoom in close up on subjects. Even though I happened to be six or seven feet away from the subject, it filled the frame and that is all that mattered.

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September 27, 2001


John A. Lind
  Another option if you already have a telephoto between 85mm and 200mm is to use extension tubes which go between the lens and camera body. Typically they come in a set of three different lengths for about $100 or so. They are very inexpensive compared to a real macro lens. The focal lengths I've found most useful with extension tubes are 85mm, 100mm and 135mm telephotos.

You will lose a little light with extension tubes even though there are no optics in them. It has to do with the extreme magnification of a macro compared to normal camera to subject distances. If your camera meters through the lens, it will automatically compensate for you.

-- John

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September 22, 2000

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