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Photography Question 


Lighting for Gregory and Sreedevi

Here is an example of how my lighting turned out in my shoot. You can see a bit of overexposure in the faces, but other than that, it's all right (IMO!).

The only thing I think I would do next time, is I needed a little rim lighting to outline the hair. Also, by using the sync speed of the camera, the exposure probably would have been just right.

Thanks to Gregory and Sreedevi for your help. On my next shoot, which is this weekend, I'll keep all your suggestions in mind.

PS, anyone else can comment too. I am open to any suggestions.


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January 07, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  From how it looks on the screen, I can see how you would want the foreheads and cheekbones not as bright. Have you shot identical pictures with one at 1/125 and the other at 1/400?

And are you still getting meter readings the same no matter how far away you are from the light?

But it looks good. Have fun.

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January 07, 2004


  Haven't had the chance to test it yet. But, I will this weekend. I'll let you know. I may do some bracketing, although I hate bracketing because it is such a waste of film. But, I almost have to because I have two new pieces of equipment, the strobes and the MF camera, that I have to get used to how they work together.


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January 08, 2004

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