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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photographic Equipment

What does a depth of field button do?

How important is it to have such a function on an AF camera and why?

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June 08, 2000


Romen Vargas
  It stops down the lens viewing aperture so you can actually see what will be in focus and what will not on the print. The reason for having this is that SLRs let you see things always with its widest aperture. The aperture preview (or Depth of field (DOF) preview) button stops down the lens and hence brings into focus things that will be in focus when you shoot.

I like having the button, cause I like to tweak my DOF but with an AF camera I guess its less important... but it all depends on what you wanna use the camera for. You know what the button does - now so its up to you to decide whether its important to you or not. Personally I love my DOF button.

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June 15, 2000

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