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BetterPhoto Member

Himilayan Cats without the Red-Eye

I have tried repeatedly to photograph the crystal blue eyes of my twin Himilayan cats but was unable to "get the red out" using a flash. My N-70 has a red-eye light to reduce this but doesn't work that well. Shooting with available light works fine but frequently leaves harsh shadows or darkened pictures. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for this help and your great site, too. Rusty Perman

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June 05, 2000


Romen Vargas
  You could always try using a bounce board (white one would be good) to bounce some light back into the shadowed areas. But as for the flash... red eye happens when the lens can see straight through to the back of the eye. You can avoid this with humans by making them look at the corners of the camera and NOT directly into the lens. I dunno if this will work for cats though, plus I'm not sure how you would instruct a cat to look at the corner of the camera (maybe wave a little mousey there???)

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June 14, 2000 - Jim Miotke

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Another way to solve this is to get the flash further away from the lens; you would, of course, need an external flash unit. If you do not have one and cannot afford one, you might be able to rent or borrow one from a friend.

Ideally, you would get two or three external light sources. I made this shot of my Himilayan with one professional studio light and my external flash (on a long cable). I positioned both light sources at about 45 degrees and used white seamless paper as a backdrop.

Just for fun, here is a version of the same shot transformed into a Polaroid emulsion transfer.

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June 20, 2000

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