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BetterPhoto Member

Replacing an AE-1

I am buying a new camera. The old and battered AE-1 finally died and so it is out with the old and in with the new. I am presently torn between purchasing a Nikon N-70 and an N-90. I have been told that they are "pretty much the same camera except that the N-90 is built more rugged." It is hard to tell by reading the catalogs. I have been using a manual camera for so long I am woefully behind the times when it comes to camera technology. But I am ready to step up to a more sophisticated rig. Do you have any opinions on this? P.S. The local used camera shop has several F-4's for around $1000. What is your opinion on maxing out my budget on one of those pups? Is it too much technology too fast?

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October 01, 1999 - Jim Miotke

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  I would let the F4's go myself and get a good intermediary camera to learn with. Baby steps... The N-90 is a very good camera. If the price difference doesn't bug you too much, I would definitely go with that one. If you think you will be upgrading in 3 to 5 years, go with the Nikon N-70.

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September 27, 2001

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