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Photography Question 

Ho Kheong Fong

Difficulties in Low Lighting

Dear Sir
Thank you for you answer from my previous question. I have another question which has puzzled for some time. I am trying to take a photo indoors using my F90x. The meter shows a meter reading and yet a flash sign which requires me to do so. As I did not have a flash gun at that time, I then overexposed the photo using some stops until the exposure log shows that it was ok but I can't remember if the flash sign is still there. Then I shoot with the compensated exposure. The picture comes out still dark. Why is that so?

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March 04, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  I have had many similar frustrating experiences. I believe that the problem stemmed from the flash still firing. If you can, force the flash to remain off and not fire. Then, when you lower the shutter speed, the camera should make a correct exposure. Remember to use a tripod if you lower the shutter speed a lot.

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April 08, 2000

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