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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Need help with first camera

I need some help with the purchase of a camera. I've owned some little 35mm walmart specials and I have a digital camera, but now I want a "real" camera. I'm active in the dance scene and want to take pictures of people dancing. Most often in dark or very dim rooms. And I need a camera that I can adjust the shutter speed, because I want to see the progression of movements as a single object. The resulting blur can look really neat with a couple different styles. If anyone has some advice, or can hit me up with a link to more info, i'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks, Aric

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December 02, 2002


doug Nelson
  Would you believe this is the most frequent question we get? Previous replies down the thread here will give you what you want, perhaps. Will these dance pictures be during live performances? Shutter noise may be a factor in your decision, then. What you're proposing to do takes either a fully manual camera, or a new autofocus model that lets you override the exposure settings (most do). Check out Kodak's book on flash at a good camera store for info on that progression of movement trick.

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December 04, 2002

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