BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Loralee Legacy

Uploading Images

I've been uploading images to your photo contest for quite some time now and have only, in the past 2 days been able to enter any photos in to your contest. The error message tells me that your site does not process GIF files, which is fine since none of my images are GIF files. I've tried saving my files as TIFF files, JPG files and they are originally saved as BMP files yet I've not been able to upload any photos.

Any clues as to why this would happen and do you have any suggestions as to how I could get around this?? I've missed not being able to enter my photos simply for the critique they get on top of being entered in the contest. Your site has been an amazing resource for an amateur photographer such as myself.

Keep up the GREAT work!!

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November 29, 2002

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