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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Obtaining my own web page

Hello, I'm thinking seriously about buying a web page thru you guys and i'd like to know, what is the normal pic size that can be used to download onto my page?....I am wanting to really make a living off photography, so in truth, is this a good way to start?....Do clients of yours with there own deluxe web page actually sell their photos?...If so, how does this usuall work?...sorry I had more than one question but i'm wanting to get this set up as soon as possible..and any advise or help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated.....Thank you,
Marc Bell

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November 04, 2002


Donna R. Moratelli
  Hi Mark, The normal file size is 750 X 500) saved preferably as a tiff file or a JPg with low compression. (Same as contest rules)

I have sold images through the website.People have also contacted me for location shoots. Each individual email that I receive is different. The website works well!.
You can't expect to get a ton of work or sales without marketing yourself either. Put your site on search engines and on your buisness cards and advertise yourself in the local papers if you can. It's a great way to impress people with your work and you don't need to carry around a cumbersome portfolio all of the time. ..
Betterphoto gets lots of hits from all kinds of people looking for images and photographers too.If they like what they see, you may have a sale.
I reccommend it highly. I have renewed my website with betterphoto for another year and plan on keeping it as long as will keep me. I LOVE IT!

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January 03, 2003

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