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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lighting techniques and equipment

I am thinking of getting started in doing photography part-time, since it is something that I really enjoy. I have done graduation pictures for family members and have one major problem, indoor portraits, lighting seems to be the major source of concern. Could you recommend what type of artificial lighting to use and how it should be set up for best results? Thank you. P.S. I am thinking about a possible career in this area so I don't want to skimp in this area, nor do I want to go all out untill I know if I have what it takes. Price range for lighting under $1000.00 if possible

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February 26, 2000


Leo Howard
  I would highly recommend White Lightning Mono Lights, I have been using the for many years and they have never failed me. They have many different levels of equipment to choose from, I would start out with a couple of WL10000 monolights, learn to use them effectively.

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June 15, 2000

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