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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

R. B. Ferguson

Who makes their film?

Who makes the film or provides the film for Walgreens, Kmart, Walmart, etc. stores but provide their own packaging? Is it Fuji? Kodak? Other?

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October 22, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  I don't know who makes the various store brands. I have tried them and all I can say is that they are cheap. If you want cheap then buy some. If you want quality pictures stick with Kodak or Fuji depending on the colour cast you prefer or Ilford for black and white. You will also find your photos look better when you have them printed at a reputable photo lab than at Kmart or one of the other discount shops. They are cheaper for a reason, and it's not to save you money!

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October 23, 2002


Michael F. Harrington
  Why bother? Buy Fuji's film in the 4-pak at Walmart. It's darn cheap! Costco's film was made by AGFA, but Kodak didn't like the competition, so Costco dropped it.

Also, film on-line is very cheap, too. Try

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November 03, 2002


R. B. Ferguson
  Thanks Wayne and Michael. I am taking you advice.


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November 03, 2002

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