- Ann Coates Contact Ann Coates Ann Coates's Gallery |
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- Dee Langevin Contact Dee Langevin Dee Langevin's Gallery |
I'm having the same issue with 'Contest Limit Reached' appearing under my recent entries. However, when I look at my Current Contest Entries, my recent uploads appear. Is this another glitch?
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Hi Dee and Ann, Thanks for asking. This is not a glitch. Do you see this before you have uploaded the allowed 1 photo per day? This should only show after members with Classic Galleries upload 1 photo. If you have a Deluxe site, it should show after you 10 entries. If you have a Pro site, you should never see it. Thanks,
- Ed Lauderdale Contact Ed Lauderdale Ed Lauderdale's Gallery |
Jim, this is one change I've been looking for. Thanks!
Heidi R. Geise |
It happened to me and all I did was upload. I did not enter and then couldn't.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Hi Heidi, The recaptcha is not installed on the uploader pages so I don't know what happened there. If you continue to have issues, email us at bpsupport and include specific page URLs so we know exactly where to go when trying replicate the problem. Thanks,
Heidi R. Geise |
Thank you, Jim. I just emailed bpsupport because it is still happening. I have just adjusted to a 2 step process: 1)enter yesterday's photo and 2)upload photo to be entered tomorrow. As long as I do it in that order I am ok although by the time I enter the photo it is deep into all the new entrants. Thanks for the help.
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Jim, is there going to be a limit per day for the free gallery owners, and is this process supposed to be limiting the number of entries At this point? I’m asking because there are still the occasional classic gallery owners entering 2 or a lot more per day.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Hi Heidi, Thanks for emailing. I will look into it. My first thought is this: the clock has to turn over to a "next day" at some point. You are in the same time-zone as the BP servers... it could be that you are right near the cut off time when you check in. Can you please try uploading one hour before or after your usual time, and let me know how it goes? Teresa, there should already be a limit per day for the free gallery owners - one per day. But clearly this system needs some tweaking. 2 per day might be from this time change thing I mention above. But we can always tell that by going into the large view of the photo and looking at the Date Uploaded under the Description. If there are many more per day by one member, can you please email me with the member name when this happens next time? That will help me play Poirot and work my little grey cells and figure out what the heck is going on here. Thanks!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Jim, I messaged you with the requested info. Thank you.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
The system has been tweaked. Free and Classic gallery owners should no longer be entering more than one photo per day. Even though, in the past, these extra photos got automatically deleted during the judging process, I understand that it is not so fun to sift through multiple entries when browsing. Heidi, I am still not sure why you entry process was out of sync like that. As with anything, further improvements may be required. Keep me posted if you see any strangeness. Thanks!
Heidi R. Geise |
What I have learned is this - When I upload a photo it asks for contest entry category. In the past I would do this and then when it sent me to my current entries it would ask if I wanted to enter the contest and I would do that from that spot. Now I just upload and complete that part. When I look at the contest entries for that category the photo shows up there. So I am thinking I was adding an unnecessary step earlier. It seems to be fine. I just entered a photo and will look to be sure it is in the still life section.
Heidi R. Geise |
And yes it is. I made a mistake above, it is not the current entries I was entering from but the manage/enter.
- Nikki McDonald Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
I'm sorry to see this though I do understand it from Jim's point of view - he wants us to upgrade. I don't always have time to enter on a given day, even though I'm entitled to do so. In the past, I have "made up" those entries, being careful never to exceed 30 entries in a 30 day month. Now it appears that when I don't get in here to do my entry on a given day and during the particular 24 hour period, I'm just out of luck.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Yes, that sounds like you found the truth, Heidi - I'm glad. And yes, you all would not believe the amount of love and effort we put into BetterPhoto. I want to keep it from going into a site that has annoying ads or anything bad like that. I greatly appreciate whatever level of support you can give. Thanks,
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