- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Still no e-mails! Jim, I'm still not receiving any e-mails for comments on my images and I've received no notices for Staff Favorites or Finalists! I have to check my pages every day to see if I have any messages or badges! Please help!
- Betty Ann Kelly Contact Betty Ann Kelly Betty Ann Kelly's Gallery |
Same here! Thanks! -Betty Ann
- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
Jim, I have the same problem - no e-mails for comments on my images and no notices for my Staff Favorites, Finalists and Winners. Please help us! Thank you.
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
I was not receiving email when I had a comment and I did not get a reply from BP for for a different issue. Because so many of you have said they did not get an email from BP I just thought it was another problem to be fixed by BP. Toward the end of the month I was very surprised to have more then 20 recent emailed messages from BP in my spam folder. Mail from BP had never gone to spam in the past. Maybe your email is going to spam also.
countryimpressions.net - Tammy M. Anderson Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
My emails from BP go into my spam also. This has been going on for months.
- Ann Varley Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
So strange ... I've never had a problem with this until recently. I discovered all my BP mail in the spam folder, even though I have a mail rule set up to filter all BP mail into a special folder. I'm going back to double-check all the settings in yahoo mail.
- Natasha Pliss Contact Natasha Pliss Natasha Pliss's Gallery |
Thank you ladies! I just discovered tens of emails from BP in my spam folder.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Yay Natasha! We will win this war one battle at a time. I will continue to take steps here. If you all can say "Not spam" whenever you see that option, that would be great. Enough people telling Yahoo, Comcast, etc that we are the good guys... may just make a difference.
- Dayna Cain Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
After reading this thread I checked my email spam folder and sure enough there were lot's of emails from BP. I "unspammed" them and hopefully I will be back on track. lol
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
I do not have a spam folder in my e-mail account! I do have a trash folder and I checked it yesterday and found nothing from BP! Is there anything you can do Jim to advise me on what to do to start getting e-mails from BP again?
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
Error: The reCAPTCHA failed. Go back and try it again.
- Betty Ann Kelly Contact Betty Ann Kelly Betty Ann Kelly's Gallery |
I don't have any BP emails in my spam or trash files and still have not received notices about my staff faves or finalists.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Two issues going on: 1) Betty Ann: I see that you are checking the "Notify me of future comments" checkbox so that's good. And I have your email address set to "OK to send to" so that's good. As far as I can tell, it can only be that Comcast is blocking them. Please contact them if you cannot see any emails in your spam or junk. Alternatively, you can try Gmail or another provider to see if it works better. 2) Recaptcha: We are working hard to block spammers. This is important work because a) it is not fun for any of us to sift through spam entries on the site and b) it causes BP to fall lower in search engine results. Sometimes the recaptcha will fail. When that happens, the best this is to click Back, copy what you wrote, hit Refresh or Reload, paste it back in, and try to submit again. Hope this helps. [Hilarilously, the recaptcha failed when I first wrote this... so I had to do exactly what I wrote above... copy, refresh, paste, submit... it's not ideal but neither is a world where spammer spam.]
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Testing one other thing here...
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Yahooo - I got that time-out thing fixed... So I think you will be able to write a response without having to do that copy/refresh/paste... If you ever do have to do it, please email support and let us know. But hopefully this recaptcha timeout thing is fixed. Thanks,
- Ed Lauderdale Contact Ed Lauderdale Ed Lauderdale's Gallery |
Jim, sent you an email request. I may have inadvertently unsubscribed like Bojan Bencic. Thanks!!
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
Joannie, A few days ago I tried answering your question but kept getting an error message. I hope I can comment today. You say you don't have a spam folder; I'm guessing that in your email settings you might have a "White List". Here you can put in a web address to tell your email provider to always trust mail from Better Photo. If you have a past email notice from BetterPhoto activity copy that address and paste it into the "White List" form. I hope this works for you.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
I am so grateful that you shared that, Irene. You are a rock star in my book. Anything we can all do to help each other overcome this resistance that the spammers cause, is wonderful! Ed, I think the same advice applies to you. I see your email as "subscribed" (unlike Bojan) and in good standing. So nothing to fix there. I think it's just a matter of you making sure your email provider is identifying this email as valid. Together, we will win!
- Ed Lauderdale Contact Ed Lauderdale Ed Lauderdale's Gallery |
Thanks, Jim.
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Okay Irene and Jim, my genius husband figured out what to do with the info you gave me Irene! We had to go to my server, get into the spam folder and let it know that my BP e-mails that were in there were not spam! Happy dance! :-) Thank you so much Irene and my genius husband Jim...yes, same first name as Jim M.! :-)
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
That is great news. Happy Mother's Day! Jim
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Thank you Jim! :-)
- Carolyn M. Fletcher Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
I'm also not getting any notifications for SF's or Finalists/Winners. Don't know why.. I should be subscribed. I get POTD's..
ecameronphotography.com - Errick L. Cameron Contact Errick L. Cameron Errick L. Cameron's Gallery |
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