![]() - Ann Varley ![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
BetterPhoto since 1996, how about you? Since BetterPhoto is about 22 years old, I'm curious who has been around since the beginning. I signed up back in 2011 if memory serves ... so I'm a relative newcomer. How about everyone else?
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Ann, good question...I'm pretty certain I signed up in 2005.
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
- Ritajane Smith![]() Contact Ritajane Smith Ritajane Smith's Gallery |
I joined 2004, think I need to go back to school the way I’m shooting..... would get a EP every now and then... only one winner... in all these years.....
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
Awwww, Ritajane, don't be so hard on yourself! At least you have a winner! Some of us (ahem, me) don't even have one! But I keep trying...
The oldest picture I have in my uploaded pics is from 2005 so I must have joined in 2005. I was concurrently subscribed to Digital Image Cafe. I participated more there than here. But then DIC closed its doors. So I subscribed to Shutterbugs and I participated more there than here. But then eventually Shutterbugs disappeared too, so I spend all my time here now. I hope BetterPhoto doesn't go away anytime soon. I've grown to like it here.
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
2003......My first class was Spring of 2004 with Neil and Susan Silverman. I really enjoyed the "good old days" when BP had a variety of instructors, and had yearly gatherings in Seattle. I think, with all the 2 for 1 subscriptions, I'm good until 2022 or so.... :-) I really enjoy it here!!
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
I think I joined in 2010. My how times flies when you're having fun!
Candace M. Cleveland |
Summer 06 - September
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
I joined the cast and crew in 2003! Better Photo has been a godsend for me!
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
Love it! But now feeling like I need to get moving around all you contest winning people. (insert bowing gesture here) "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"
countryimpressions.net - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
August 2007. Have learned so much here at BP.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
I also credit BP for my love of photography...for the friendships I've made here, and all I've learned. It's not the same as it was years ago, but that's fine. It's still BP.
buffalogalphotos.com - Terry Cervi![]() Contact Terry Cervi Terry Cervi's Gallery |
I joined way back in February, 2001! I can hardly remember back that far! BP has always been my "first visit" online in the morning. I've personally met a few members and have become good friends too.
- Carolyn M. Fletcher![]() ![]() Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
October 2001, I think.. It was my first place to put up a photo..It was not so good. DonnaRae Moratelli took me under her wing and taught me everything I know.. I've lost touch with her in the last couple of years, but a big shout out to all the people on BP who are willing to help a newbie..
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
Since July 2007 for me. I still make BP my first stop in the morning. I’ve learned a lot over the years and made some good friends at BP. Also, had the pleasure of shooting with my BP hero’s, Renee Doyle and Linda Lester.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
It's fun to see the mini-pics..and references to the names of folks I've known for some time...Renee Doyle, Linda Lester, Carolyn Fletcher, Terry Cervi, Bob, Danya, Tammy, Joannie, and Leslie McCain. Ahhhh, the good ole days... :-) Here's an image I created from years ago, of the mini-pics of folks I knew back in 2007....a blast from the past: http://www.betterphoto.com/gallery/dynoGallDetail.php?photoID=3288949 Do you recognize some of the folks?
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
Ken! thanks for sharing that here, I didn't see it when originally posted all those years ago. What a wonderful work! And what a wonderful reminder that we're all more than just bags of equipment and pretty pictures. The organic components of who we are, our lives and our situations as we live them, both individual and together, create this environment in which we grow and thrive. It's human and it's art!
buffalogalphotos.com - Terry Cervi![]() Contact Terry Cervi Terry Cervi's Gallery |
I agree with Ann! Thanks for sharing your group image, Ken. I missed it the first time around. I saw my two Westies, Gus and Gabby and recognized many of the faces and photos of members. How fun!
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Thanks, Ann and Terry. It was fun to remember all the old mini-pics of people I met in the first year.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Oops..."old" as in the older mini-pics...not the age of fellow BPers! :-)
- Joannie Bertucci![]() Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
That was a close call Ken! :-)
buffalogalphotos.com - Terry Cervi![]() Contact Terry Cervi Terry Cervi's Gallery |
Yes Joannie..its a good thing he clarified! LOL.
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
HAHAHA! You guys crack me up! ... yes, very glad that was clarified! I hit the really big milestone b-day last year and I'm a little sensitive now about "old. "
- Jill Odice![]() Contact Jill Odice Jill Odice's Gallery |
I joined in 2005 I think due to Webaperture closing. Many of the folks I met and went shooting with from that site were active on BP and encouraged me to try it out. There have been many changes over the years, some good, some not, but I have met many members to go shoot with and have enjoyed that! Nothing lasts forever or stays the same, I have been tempted to leave a few times...but being able to keep in touch with all the wonderful friends on BP keeps me here. I just hope all is well with Jim and his family and that things improve here...Thanks for all the years of fun!
emptynestphotography.com - Agnes Fegan![]() Contact Agnes Fegan Agnes Fegan's Gallery |
Hi ... I haven't posted on BP as much over the last few years but just logged on to renew my gallery and came across this thread. Looking back, it seems my first posted picture was in February of 2005 and I still remember being nervous about clicking that submit button! So many wonderful and friendly people on this site!
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
I joined in 2006 but I started participating regularly from 2008. Like Ken, I give most all credit to BP for lighting the photography fire which is still burning strong. Thank you BP for all you are and for being there for all of us to cherish and share our passion together.
- Ann Varley![]() Contact Ann Varley Ann Varley's Gallery |
Well, I'm certainly glad to meet all of you here and all the others through BP and the photos you share!
Bob Cammarata |
I first joined in 2003. ..had to bail though, when maintaining my website became too much of a burden. I'm still shooting more than ever...now that I'm retired. I miss BP and the fun we had in the forums and contests.
- Carol Quina![]() Contact Carol Quina Carol Quina's Gallery |
I'm late to the party as I joined in January of 2012. Its been a great 7 years with many new friends made and lots of fun.
- Reynaldo D. Reyes![]() Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
October 2006. My time flies by! Miss the good old days.
Susan Williams |
I joined in June 2004. BP has been one thing I have thoroughly enjoyed for the people and amazing talent here. The years have whizzed by.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke![]() Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
March 1996... :-) ...when a friend showed me this new thing called "the Web". A lot of memories since then, many with the fine folks above. I smile when I think of my first interactions with the awesome Carolyn Fletcher and the time when Bob Cournoyer and I tromped through the rain soaked tulips with many others... I am grateful for those memories, for those of you new to the family, those of you who come back after a break, and those who have stuck with me all these years. Survivors are we! I look forward to the next time we can get together in person, and for the next interactive class we can do together, if that is what God, Love has planned. Thank you!
chrisbudny.com - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Oct 2005 here... funny to pull up my oldest pic in my gallery from back then... it is chock full of so many problems with exposure, composition, etc... so much learning over those years, much of it here through osmosis with so many wonderful members!
ecameronphotography.com - Errick L. Cameron![]() ![]() Contact Errick L. Cameron Errick L. Cameron's Gallery |
Hey Chris, I am also a member of the 2005 club! I thanks BP for keeping me with a camera in my hands and I thank all you members for keeping me motivated! I started taking photos back in 1978 using the college dark room facilities. I have boxes and boxes of old photos before the digital era that I seldom visit. On a more personal note, BP helped me to get out of a real dark time in my life... so I will never leave it.
Thom Schoeller |
I'm not quite sure of the exact date, but I could trace back discussions to 2007. I've let my paid membership run out and deleted scores of images I uploaded way back. I just check in every so often, and maybe a few times a year enter one of the themed contest.
- Carolyn M. Fletcher![]() ![]() Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
Jim, you had to remind me of my bad girl days..LOL.. I have reformed since you were about to kick me out. I think that did the trick.
BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke![]() Contact Jim Miotke Jim Miotke's Gallery |
Love this thread. Thanks for the happy memories!
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
I have always loved photography and when I wanted to learn everything I could I started looking around on the web all those years ago for a place to land. When I saw some of the photos from the photographers on BP I was absolutely blown away. I was in awe and I was hooked. I have learned so much just by spending time looking at amazing photos. BP provides me with so many talented photographers to learn from and I am forever grateful. You all are the best of the best. Thanks BP for all you do.
Patti Bright |
I *think I joined in 2006. That seems like many cameras and moons ago! I forgot about it for a few years. Recently have tried to participate more. wonderful images!
- Carlton Ward![]() Contact Carlton Ward Carlton Ward's Gallery |
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