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Photography Question 
- al armiger

BetterPhoto Member
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Photo size

When uploading what is the ideal pixel size to ensure photo just fits on screen without scrolling?

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July 18, 2018 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
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  The max size BP will display is 1024 on the long side (if you use the Platinum uploader.) The on-screen scrolling will likely depend more on other non-BP factors -- the screen's physical size, the resolution setting of that screen, whether it is a Retina (Apple) screen doing further upsizing automatically, and the magnification level that the browser window might be set to.
Other than when viewing my gallery on my ipad mini (Retina), I never have to do scrolling on my images (when viewed on my desktop monitors at work) and I upload all at the max 1024 size. However, I may have set the BP pages (in Chrome Browser, which I use mostly) to display at 80%, now that I think of it.)

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July 27, 2018


BetterPhoto Member
  Thank you, Christopher, for that information. Do you know why then BP recommends uploading pics at 1600 pixels on the long side? I've always found this fact confusing. It seems to me that it would be more advantageous to the photog to upload at the maximum display size of 1024 pixels, rather than 1600 pixels, so that the pic can be sharpened more precisely. I've been uploading all pics at 1600 pixels because BP states "We recommend that you upload photos in the JPEG format, around 1600 pixels on the long dimension."

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July 28, 2018

- Natasha Pliss

BetterPhoto Member
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  Actually BP recommends uploading pics at 1200 pixels on the long side (at least they used to do that). And I've been submitting according to this rule with great results for many years. 1200 pixels with a resolution 72. Never failed. Just my two cents.

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July 28, 2018


BetterPhoto Member
  I was thinking perhaps that the judge(s) view the images at a maximum of 1600 pixels and that that was the reason for recommending that size. But seeing your great body of winners, Natasha, including your grand prize winner this month, I may just follow your lead. Thanks!

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September 03, 2018

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