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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I was wondering what's the difference between the filters?

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October 07, 2002


John A. Lind
Is this difference between filter brand names or filter types? Your question is a little vague and very open ended.

There are dozens of different types of filters:
Warming and Cooling (color balancing)
Color Correction (tungsten to daylight, etc.)
Black & White (colored filters for B&W films)
Neutral Density
Soft Focus
Special Effects
Special Purpose (color separation, etc.)

Each of these types has numerous different filters that vary in darkness of color, how pronounced the effect is, portion of spectrum blocked, etc. Special effects filters covers a wide range itself.

I'm not a big fan of Tiffen filters, but their web site has quite a bit of information. You might also visit a library and browse the photography section for a book specifically about still photography filters.

My opinion about filters:
There should be a compelling reason to use one; one that truly enhances the photograph, and does so with subtelty. This especially applies to special effects filters, unless the desire is for fanciful, surreal or humorous effect (which must be done carefully). Otherwise, it can produce an image that looks cliched and contrived. A filter adds another piece of glass to the optics and poses risks of introducing flare and other aberrations that can degrade an image. What the filter does should outweigh the risks. I use filters much more often with B&W films to shift how different colors render shades of gray to enhance or reduce contrast between specific colors. OTOH, when working in color I would rather make film choices for specific color response characteristics. This has been much more effective than using one general purpose color film for everything and attempting to adjust color response with filters.

-- John

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October 07, 2002

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