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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What Lens & Other Equipment for Indoor Portraits

I currently own a Canon 1N body with 75-300/4-5.6 and 28-105/3.5-4.5 zoom lenses. As you can see my money was on the body. These lenses are not on par with this camera and have produced marginal results for portrait photography. I am getting more and more interested in people photography and would like to upgrade my lenses. Can you recommend a fast Canon lens and a Canon zoom lens that would be better suited for my EOS 1N body? I don't want to pay through the nose. I am interested in getting high quality portrait pictures (mainly of my 5 month old daughter and 4 year old son) indoors and outdoors. Also, the Canon 540 EZ flash has produced poor results. Can you recommend an economical lighting setup (flash units/umbrellas etc) that could produce quality portrait images? Would a fast prime lens and natural lighting (no flash) be a better solution? Thanks...Ish

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August 15, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  You've made the age old mistake of putting the cart before the horse haven't you. It's always better to scrimp on the camera and buy better glass. Be that as it may, my favorite lens for portraits is my 85mm f1.8. It's fast, sharp, and cheap. It's probably the least expensive lens I own but it's the one I use the most. In terms of value, it's probably Canon's best lens IMO.

As for lighting, check out The make quality, inexpensive lights and lighting equipment. But I would stick with the natural light and the 85mm for now. Even though I have a studio set up complete with backdrops and lights I still shoot 90% of my portraits using natural light.

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August 15, 2002

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