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Photography Question 

RoxAnne E. Franklin

how to shoot group photo indoors under florescent

I am scheduled to shoot a group photo for the company I work for. It's to be used in a brochure that they are making. The details are as follows:
there will be 7 in the group
they will be wearing white shirts, tan pants.
they will be in front of a white wall, approx 10 feet from a huge floor to ceiling window that will shine into the room (from the photographers right) that allows bright but diffused light into the room
they will be under florescent lighting.
I have a cannon eos elan 7e, I have a single strobe setup that I can shoot into an umbrella, it has one monolight. I have an internal popup flash, but no other flash that I can attach. I have my choice of two reflectors, one white and one silver.
What type of film do I use? Should I use the strobe setup? I am concerned that the people on the left (the photographer's left) will be too dark if I dont use the strobe.
Any hints or ideas or help you can give me would be wonderful By the way, I have a chance to practice this shoot as many times as I want any time of the day. Therefore, I could turn the lighting from above off if I want and shoot a practice roll.
Help! Oh and I love your website, have signed up for one of your courses and also bought your book.

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July 24, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I would definitely turn off the lights. Do you have to shoot them in the position you describe? Is there a reason you can turn them towards the window more? Ideally, I would turn them and use the window light. If this is not possible then by all means use the strobe to balance the light. As far as film goes it depends on how much light comes in through the window and how powerful you strobe is not to mention what size of enlargements you plan to make. I would use 160NC or 400NC (or VC if you think you might need more contrast). The only way to know for sure which film to use and whether you will need your flash is to go there and measure the light.

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July 25, 2002

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