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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Moving images

Is itpossible to take a photo of a moving image or what is the best way to take a photo of a moving image with a fugifilm 2800 camra
I just dont get the picture I want?

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July 20, 2002


Leo Enriquez
  I don't know what camera is that, but I can tell you this!...

I have a minolta 400si with a vivitar 28-300 mm, and people says that if I want to take a pic at handheld without beeing blurred I have to take it on a speed higer than my 300 mm, wich will be 500 if I focus at 300 mm (please correct anybody if I'm wrong), 250 is too slow and the next available is 500.

Now if you want to really freeze it you have to go with speeds of 1000 and 2000 m/s!...

I have seen a formula in a book somewhere, but it's too much trouble!..I think you have to have common sense on how fast you want it to be taken, depending on the subject!...Now there is another thing that you could do and it's called panning (the fact of shooting the pic, but with a steady and firm hand while handling your camera, follow your subject so it could be as sharp as possible and your background will show some blurring!...

Practice, practice, practice!...

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July 28, 2002

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